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Thermal CTP (Computer to Plate) plate 0.15mm and 0.30mm thickness
No preheating, positive thermal plate with wide operation lititude for medium run sheetfed, weboffset and packaging applications. 140P can be baked for over 1 million impressions and UV ink applications.
Technical Specification:
Plate: Electrochemically grained and anodized aluminum substrate with blue coating.
Produced under patents: US6, 124, 425, US6, 177 and 182
EP11614469 and other patents pending
Gauge: 0.2mm, 0.3mm, 0.4mm and 0.5mm
Spectra Sensitivity: 800-850mm
Plate setter compatibility: Any suitable thermal platesetters available from Agfa, Kodak, Heidelberg, Screen and Presstek
Laser energy Required: 140-160mj/cm2
Resolution: 1% to 99% @ 250 lpi
FM capability: 20 m stochastic
Processors: Any suitable processors for positive thermal plates and to Kodak
Developer: Recommended to use 140D positive plate developer
Plate finisher: Recommended to use 140G plate finisher
Processing: Developer temperature 22 to 23C
Dwell time: 30+/- 1 seconds
Replenishment rate 110ml/m2
Baking conditions: Apply 140B Baj/king Gum before baking
-Static oven: 220-230C for a duration of 3-5 minutes
-Online oven: 240C for a duration of 4 minutes
Run Length: 100,000 impressions unbaked, 1 million impressions baked actual run length may vary according to press, ink and paper conditions
Safelight: Daylight handling
Shelf life: 12 months under recommended strorage conditions
Transport and storage: Store plates flat in their packaging at a temperature between 15 and 25C with relative humidity between 40 and 70%
Our factory obtained GB/T 19001-2000-ISO9001; 2000 certification on Nov. 26, 2007, and Shanghai enterprices standard Q/VCHD01-2007 is strictly followed throughout the process of production and operating.
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